Documentary ‘mini-task’
This task is designed to cover the terms (in bold) that contribute to GC1 & GC2 (this will be marked alongside the news task). You may produce a word processed essay, a blog post/report or a Prezi, just ensure that you use images and detailed examples whatever the method of presentation.Aim to focus on the ‘presentation of truth’ and how some formats appear more authentic than others. Follow this short plan to ensure you cover everything that’s required:
• What is a documentary? / How would you define ‘documentary’?
Paragraph 1
• Identify the key features of expository documentaries
• Provide your own example of an expository documentary
Paragraph 2
• Identify the key features of observational documentaries
• Provide your own example of an observational documentary
Paragraph 3
• Identify the key features of interactive documentaries
• Provide your own example of an interactive documentary
• Discuss how access and privacy can affect a production (releases & permissions)
Paragraph 4
• Identify the key features of reflexive documentaries
• Provide your own example of a reflexive documentary
Paragraph 5
• Identify the key features of performative documentaries
• Provide your own example of a performative documentary
• Discuss the use of dramatisations and re-enactments in performative documentaries, e.g., why are they used and what are the implications of including them?
• What is your documentary filmmaking philosophy?
• Do you think that a documentarist has a contract with the viewer to present them with truth and authentic information? E.g., do you believe that the ‘ends justify the means’ is an appropriate for documentary filmmaking?
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