Friday 17 September 2021

Connotations Photo Exercise


  1. Select the 5 photos which you feel best connotes the theme / emotion on the task sheet.

  2. Open a PowerPoint presentation and put one photo on each slide (also add a title slide).

  3. Beneath each photo, explain how the shot distance and angle (along with lighting, costume and props, if relevant) convey meaning for the audience.

  4. You can complete up to 4 as a pair, but your 5th should be completed independently. Both / all people in the group can use the same image, but the words should be your own.

    This is an example of what I'd like to see in your justifications and reflections:
    This image connotes power and dominance; the character is 'looming' over the shot as they are have been photographed from a low angle. The weapon is iconographic of violence and the mask hides identity, creating tension. The shot distance, a medium shot, allows us as the audience to see body language, costume and emotion (or lack of it).

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